Operando InfraRed Spectroscopy for heritage studies
Neo-Inuit architectural wood in western Alaska: rings, isotopes, climate, and [...]
10th International Workshop for African Archaebotany
Study day Research in conservation-restoration: ambitions for new synergies
Study day Research in conservation-restoration: training and disseminating knowledge
Upgrade of ARTEMIS command control, National Instrument for Carbon-14 measurement
Launch day of the DIM PAMIR
The launch day of the structuring project “Référentiels franciliens” of [...]
Ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for [...]
Lead Isotopes for Archaeology, Geology and Industry in Thailand
LiDAR survey processing and validation of geomorphological and archaeological markers [...]
An AI Tool for Book Conservation Assessment
Luminescence of antique pigments
New machine learning tools for attribution and prognosis in conservation
Extraction and quantification equipments for a molecular repository
Natural vs. artificial silver mirroring
Magnetoscop and absolute or differential field probe
Auscultation of heritage stones by electrical spectral permittivity
Microbial Alteration and preservation of Monuments in urban area
Reflected Light Microscope for woody macroremains analysis