TD-SO (3)
Data Processing - Open Science project (3)
Scientific responsibility :
- Loïc Bertrand
- Sophie David
- Laurent Romary
- Isabelle Rouget
- Ariane Thomas
- Laurence de Viguerie
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Partnership :
Funding :
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2023-A-005
Summary :
The Data Processing – Open Science project (3) is a continuation of the Data Processing – Open Science (1) and Data Processing – Open Science (2) projects carried out under the DIM MAP and PAMIR. It aims to:
- implement and coordinate the DIM’s open science policy;
- coordinate and participate in working groups and structuring projects around issues in open science, bibliometrics, and data and software structure and openness;
- disseminate and promote the results of the actions achieved.
Project manager: Caroline Corbières