Multi-scale characterization of a marine carbonate platform archive (Middle Jurassic, [...]
Ancient ceramic production sequences revisited : Contributions from deep learning [...]
Research in conservation-restoration and instrumentation
Corpora, Repositories and Open Dictionaries
Centralisation and use of an MUtualised archiving and backup space [...]
The practice of Robert Delaunay and his contemporaries
Digital Humanities Internship as part of the Transatlantic Cultures Project
Biomechanics for paleobiology: application to the locomotion of the ornithopod [...]
The invention of the durable house within the first sedentary [...]
Organisation of a summer school linked to the 15th International [...]
Developing a bilingual controlled vocabulary for heritage science
Gordon Research Conference and Symposium Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research
10th International Workshop for African Archaebotany
Study day Research in conservation-restoration: ambitions for new synergies
Study day Research in conservation-restoration: training and disseminating knowledge
Launch day of the DIM PAMIR
The launch day of the structuring project “Référentiels franciliens” of [...]