Scientific meeting for the 20th anniversary of ARTEMIS-LMC14
Correlative approach for rapid analysis of fossil and archaeological samples
Laser Ablation – Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy & Inductively Coupled [...]
High precision carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis on low carbonated samples
Documenting the manufacturing processes of ancient armour with the support [...]
Decipher the Angel’s Share
“Goats hide to die”: an integrated approach to fossil accumulations [...]
Exceptional preservation of the brain and radiation of the jawed vertebrates
Study of natural and anthropic archives by gas chromatography
Towards an international repository of chemical data for archaeometallurgy of iron
High Resolution Characterization of Nature by Optical Observation
Reconstruction of climatic conditions over the last 40 000 years [...]
Capture of volatile organic compounds by porous hybrid materials (MOFs): [...]
Color Transmission Optical Densitometer
Reference COllections, scheduling and REcovery
Research in conservation-restoration and instrumentation
“Absolute” dating in archaeology
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer for ice core dating