Optimization in Multiproxies Analysis of Sedimentary sequences
Scientific responsibility :
- Laurent Lespez
- Ségolène Saulnier Copard
Methodological axes :
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Disciplinary sectors :
Partnership :
Funding :
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-1-011
Summary :
The aim of this project is to optimize and develop the use of various sediment characterization equipment in the Sedimentology and Mineralogy platform of the Laboratoire de Géographie Physique (LGP UMR 8591 CNRS). The LGP acquires raw data fropm sedimentary archives collected in a wide variety of natural and anthropized contexts by core sampling, in order to understand the respinses of continental environments to environmental change. Today, the LGP possesses a wide range of equipment (spectrocolorimeter, susceptibility meter, p-XRF, etc) enbling these studies to be carried out. The acquisition of the bench opens up a number of possibilities for the development of our current equipment. It will enbale us to optimize analytical protocols for the various tools at our disposal, as well as develop the use of the pXRF and spectrocolorimeter on our sediment cores. Finally, this equipment will be an asset for improving worksatations by limiting the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (wearing equipment for long periods) or exposure to ionizing radiation (pXRF) for manipulators.