MP2R (2)
Methodologies and practices of research in restoration (2)
Methodological axes :
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Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2023-A-003
Summary :
Following on from the “Research and restoration” project, carried out in 2021-2022 as part of the DIM MAP, and the Methodologies and practices of research in restoration project, carried out in 2022-2023 as part of the DIM PAMIR, the aims of the “Methodologies and practices in research of restoration (2)” project are :
- to publicise the DIM’s activities: to promote the publication of the “Research and Restoration” proceedings, which will be published in autumn 2023 (DIM / EA 4100 Histoire culturelle et sociale de l’art, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne);
- to prioritise actions to promote the involvement of conservator-restorers in research projects in association with the Working Group on “Research and Restoration” (half-day session on “Research in conservation-restoration: new ambitions for integrating restorers 2023-2024”);
- to continue the dialogue with socio-economic partners on the problems of funding research for heritage restorers.
Project manager : Barbara Jouves-Hann