Extraction and quantification equipments for a molecular repository
Scientific responsibility :
- Stéphanie Ghislin
- Agnès Dettaï
- Rodolphe Rougerie
Methodological axes :
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Funding :
- 2AD
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-1-014
Summary :
Molecular approaches to explore and keep track of present and past biodiversity (barcoding DNA, metabarcoding, environmental DNA) rely on comparison with a complete and reliable taxonomic reference repository, a database built upon sequences linked to well identified, permanent collection vouchered specimens. Creating such a French national molecular taxonomic reference repository is a flagship program of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, and is included in the Stratégie Nationale Biodiversité 2030 (SNB). The repository will be connected to TAXREF, the national reference for fauna and flora taxonomic nomenclature. It will require the production of new molecular data, and therefore access to a well-equipped laboratory. The Service de Systématique Moléculaire (SSM) provides infrastructure and technical knowledge for this project. The SSM is a technical platform that belongs to the UAR2AD 2700 (CNRS-MNHN) and is included in the Analytical Platform of the Museum (PAM). It is located in the MNHN Jardin des Plantes. The platform is open to all (MNHN researchers and students, other research institutions and private laboratories). It welcomes any project based on molecular biology equipment and tools from the extraction of DNA from fresh or degraded samples to sequencing, including sequencing with next generation sequencing (NGS) approaches and shared sequencing to reduce costs. To complete our equipment and allow for a ramp-up that will be needed for the large number of samples for the repository, we need a quantitative PCR for NGS library preparation of collection and type specimens, two Thermomixers (for the first steps of DNA extraction) and a Thermosealer (for extractions, PCRs sealing).