10th International Workshop for African Archaebotany
Scientific responsibility :
- Charlène Bouchaud
- Aline Garnier
- Marie-Pierre Ruas
- Flora Pennec
- Geoffroy Desaulieu
- Vincent Lebreton
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Funding :
- Faculté des Sciences
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2023-2-002
Summary :
The International Workgroup for African Archaeobotany (IWAA) is a major tri-annual event for the exchange of data and knowledge on the relationship between Humans in the Past and plants in Africa. The 10th edition will be held for the first time in France and will take place in Paris, at the Museum of Natural History from June 27 to 30, 2023. This conference is co-organized by members from five research units, all part of the DIM PAMIR network.
Initially focused on North African countries and the study of plant macroremains (seeds and charcoal), and bringing together about twenty people, these meetings have gradually broadened their geographical and methodological horizons. The 2023 edition will host about 80 international participants from various disciplines (archaeology, botany, geography, ethnolinguistics, ethnobotany, history, biogeochemistry). The research presented offers a wide chronological coverage, from the Pleistocene to the present time, and geographical coverage, from South Africa to the Maghreb and from the Mediterranean to the tropical forest through the desert regions. In addition to the study of plant macroremains, plant microremains (phytoliths, pollen and starch grains), often integrated in multidisciplinary perspectives, are now important components of the archaeobotanical research presented. Historical, ethnological and linguistic analyses are also regularly integrated, as well as, more recently, molecular and geochemical studies. The program of several sessions will thus allow us to address various themes focused on agriculture, food and food practices, crafts, funerary and ritual practices, the dynamics of domestication, diffusion, exchange and trade of plants, fuel management and the evolution of climates and landscapes.
Initially focused on North African countries and the study of plant macroremains (seeds and charcoal), and bringing together about twenty people, these meetings have gradually broadened their geographical and methodological horizons. The 2023 edition will host about 80 international participants from various disciplines (archaeology, botany, geography, ethnolinguistics, ethnobotany, history, biogeochemistry). The research presented offers a wide chronological coverage, from the Pleistocene to the present time, and geographical coverage, from South Africa to the Maghreb and from the Mediterranean to the tropical forest through the desert regions. In addition to the study of plant macroremains, plant microremains (phytoliths, pollen and starch grains), often integrated in multidisciplinary perspectives, are now important components of the archaeobotanical research presented. Historical, ethnological and linguistic analyses are also regularly integrated, as well as, more recently, molecular and geochemical studies. The program of several sessions will thus allow us to address various themes focused on agriculture, food and food practices, crafts, funerary and ritual practices, the dynamics of domestication, diffusion, exchange and trade of plants, fuel management and the evolution of climates and landscapes.