Sixth congress of French speaking researchers in organic geochemistry
Scientific responsibility :
- Arnaud Huguet
- François Baudin
- Jérémy Jacob
- Agnès Lattuati-Durieux
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Funding :
- Vinci Technologies
- Institut de la Transition Environnementale (Sorbonne-Université)
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2023-2-008
Summary :
The “association of French-speaking researchers in organic geochemistry”, or “FROGs” (French Researchers in Organic Geochemistry), will organize the sixth edition of its congress in Paris from July 8 to 10, 2024. The congress is a place for exchange between students, researchers, (associate) professors, private sector actors, specialists in analytical equipment, etc. The philosophy of the event has remained the same over the years, since it is based on oral communications and posters presented exclusively by young non-permanent researchers: students (bachelor, master 1, master 2, PhD), and postdoctoral fellows. This project aims to cover part of the costs of the congress, whose the registration is free for everyone. The research themes addressed during the congress are very broad and cover all aspects linked to the study of Organic Matters (living organisms, oceanic and continental aquatic systems, soils, sediments, archaeology, exobiology, climate, organic pollutants, microplastics, resources, stable isotopes, etc.). The research carried out is based on the characterization, on a bulk or molecular scale, of natural or anthropogenic organic matter via analytical chemistry tools in geological, environmental or heritage matrices, whether liquid, solid or gaseous. They concern priority thematic fields identified by the DIM PAMIR. The needs for characterization of organic materials and questions related to the preservation and modification of materials concern sedimentary records as well as other heritage objects, in particular works of art (“Artistic materials” thematic field). Presentations related to all of these themes are expected and likely to be of interest to the entire DIM PAMIR network.