Isotope ratio mass spectrometer for ice core dating
Scientific responsibility :
- Amaëlle Landais
- Emilie Capron
- Marie-Hélène Moncel
- Stéphanie Duchamp
- Cécile Engrand
- Olivier Moine
- Jean Duprat
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Funding :
- IJCLab
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2022-4-001
Summary :
The objective of the DATAGLACE project is to acquire an isotope ratio mass spectrometer to analyze the isotopic and elemental composition of oxygen, nitrogen and argon in atmospheric air and, as a first application, in atmospheric air trapped in ice, as well as to build and interface a manifold to introduce the samples through reducing the energy and environmental costs of the analyses. It aims not only to renew but also to increase the capacities and analytical performances in the field of ice core dating in Ile-de-France, on the sole platform of this type in France and one of a few worldwide allowing the dating of tropical ice cores in addition to polar ice cores. This project will also facilitate new collaborations in Ile-de-France via the development of several structuring studies with an innovative character, e.g. the dating of micrometeorites, the study of pillow lavas preserved in a non-polar cap and the documentation of the environmental and climatic evolution in parallel to the evolution of humankind during the Quaternary. This project gathers five laboratories members of the DIM PAMIR as well as IGE, a very close collaborator of LSCE through the PANDA anaytical platform for ice core analysis. This spectrometer and the associated introduction system, installed at LSCE, will be operated by a senior technician with recognized expertise in the field. In addition to the co-sponsors of the project (GEOPS, HNHP, IMPMC, IJCLab, LGP, IGE), this equipment, part of the PANOPLY analytical platform, will be open to other applications on a collaborative or service basis in the time available.