"Absolute" dating in archaeology
Scientific responsibility :
- Marc Bouiron
- Richard Cottiaux
- Sophie Féret
- Carine Carpentier
- Lucile Beck
- Emmanuelle Delqué-Količ
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Funding :
- Inrap
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-2-006
Summary :
French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) ensures the detection and study of archaeological heritage affected by land development projects. It exploits and disseminates the results of its research to the scientific community and contributes to education, cultural dissemination, and the promotion of archaeology to the public. In the context of archaeological research, absolute dating has become essential. Their results allow for aligning chronologies on the timescale, specifying the duration of historical phenomena at work, and placing past events in time. This 8th scientific and technical seminar of Inrap, organized in partnership with LMC14 on December 3 and 4, 2024, extends the reflection initiated during the days organized by LMC14 in November 2023, focusing on the implementation of these dating methods applied to the field of archaeology. Indeed, the diversity of actors and skills involved is significant (biology, chemistry, Earth sciences, nuclear physics…), even within the archaeological community, and it was therefore important for Inrap to offer a place for interdisciplinary meetings, exchange of experiences, and reflection on the future of these methods and the collaborations they entail. It is about collectively reflecting on the evolution of field protocols (sampling), the awareness-raising or training actions to be undertaken, and the need to centralize and share results. Finally, these meetings will be an opportunity to address the different methodological approaches and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.