

Climate et Impacts 2024

Session AAP :

AAP 2024-2

Scientific responsibility :

  • Christophe Colin
  • Christine Hatté

Partnership :

Funding :

  • LSCE
  • Graduate School GCEP Paris-Saclay
  • Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay
  • CNRS – Sciences de l’Univers
  • CEA – Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale

Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-2-002

Summary :

The aim of this request is to organize three scientific days at the University of Paris-Saclay focusing on current and past climate change, its causes, its impacts on ecosystems and its repercussions on past and present human societies. The 8th edition of “Climat et Impacts” will be held from November 6 to 8, 2024 on the premises of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure, on the Université Paris Saclay campus.
Over the years, the “Climate and Impacts” conference has become a key event for French paleoclimatology [1] and beyond, a meeting place for all communities whose research and activities are directly or indirectly linked to climate change (whatever the time scale). New sessions have been added to the initial offering, which focused on processes and fundamental knowledge of climate variability and its repercussions (and feedbacks) on ecosystems. These include, for example “cultural heritage in the face of climate change”, “impact of climate change on socio-eco-systems”, “human-environment interaction during the recent Pleistocene and Holocene”.
In the course of seven editions, “Climat et Impacts” has increased the number of participants and paper proposals by a factor of four. In 2024, the 8th edition will welcome ~ 350-400 face-to-face and remote participants, discussing ~200 papers. Its organization will follow the pattern established several years ago: calls for sessions, constitution of a scientific committee, establishment of a program of around ten sessions taking up and completing the session ideas, a late call for abstracts, free participation open to all.

[1] livre blanc de la paléoclimatologie 2024, p. 123 –
