

Towards an international repository of chemical data for archaeometallurgy of iron

Session AAP :

AAP 2024-10

Scientific responsibility :

  • Alexandre Disser
  • Maxime L’Héritier
  • Matthieu Lebon

Methodological axes :

Partnership :

Funding :


Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-10-002

Summary :

The CHIPS digital chemical data repository was recently developed by LAPA (UMR 7065 IRAMAT and UMR 3685 NIMBE) to meet a fundamental need of the archaeometallurgy community: harmonized, easily accessible reference data, associated with all the analytical metadata required to assess their quality. This repository, developed under PostgreSQL, already grant open access to the results of over 2,400 analyses associated with more than 600 archaeological contexts worldwide. We want to take this repository a step further by setting up an ambitious programme of global chemical analyses (almost 600 analyses planned), the aim of which is to consolidate an international research dynamic around the use of chemical data linked to iron ore smelting. The Ile-de-France scientific community (including researchers from the CNRS, Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris 8 universities, and INRAP) plays a leading role in archaeometallurgical research on iron. The project will consolidate this role on an international scale, and will confirm this reference set as a major support for the research that will be carried out in iron archaeometallurgy in the coming years.