DIM Patrimoines matériels – innovation, expérimentation et résilience (PAMIR) launches the 2023-10 Internship call for projects, which concerns the financing of internships of licence 3, master 1 and master 2 levels, between two and six monthes.
The project must fall within one or more of the following methodological axes:
- Instrumental and experimental innovations
- Data and digital methods
- Heritage practices and collection histories
- Diagnosis, behavior prediction and remediation strategies
And within one or more of the following thematic fields:
- Objects: production, circulation, uses
- Ancient biological, climatic and environmental records
- Artists’ materials: the making of art
This call for projects is open from June 7th to September 1st 2023.
More information and project submission: https://pamir-aap23-10.sciencescall.org/