Corpora, Repositories and Open Dictionaries
Scientific responsibility :
- Agnès Tricoche
- Sophie Krausz
- Florence Weber
- Eneko Hiriart
- Sébastien Durost
- Muriel Le Roux
- Matthieu Demierre
Methodological axes :
Thematic fields :
Disciplinary sectors :
Partnership :
- Centre Maurice Halbwachs
- ArchéoSciences Bordeaux
- Bibracte
- GPR “Faire collection”
- Institut d’archéologie et des sciences de l’Antiquité, Université de Lausanne
Funding :
- AOrOc
- Centre Maurice Halbwachs
- Archéosciences Bordeaux
Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2024-10-004
Summary :
Having been involved for 20 years in the development of ontologies based on controlled vocabularies, thesauri, iconographic, chronological and geographical corpora, our priority objective today is to create common digital repositories on an international scale, to optimize the semantization and interoperability of data and to improve our open science practices overall. The tools we intend to implement are aimed at sharing, publishing, networking, exploring, storing and archiving data, as well as visualizing it on maps. It is also a question of enriching the datasets covering different disciplines and periods, from archaeology to ethnography and from Celtic protohistory to the present time, and of better structuring practices in a transdisciplinary manner, in particular by integrating FAIRdata standards and by improving online access conditions. This new CReDO infrastructure – storage and computing spaces, Ark-compatible server, software and IT developments – will be connected to the Huma-Num IR*. It will allow shared provision of heritage and current data, an essential step for their exploitation by artificial intelligence. Several tools designed and developed by AOROC, including the Web-GIS Chronocarto, are already used by most Parisian universities but also by a large scientific community in France and gradually in Europe. Chronocarto will be adapted in particular to data from ArchEthno, a system to support the collective construction of repositories specific to ongoing research, designed and developed at the CMH; it will make it possible to create, share and reuse dictionaries as well as geolocated SHS data.