
Centralisation and use of an MUtualised archiving and backup space for LRMH data for scientific use

Session AAP :

AAP 2023-6

Scientific responsibility :

  • Olivier Malavergne

Methodological axes :

Disciplinary sectors :

Partnership :

Funding :

  • CRC

Project ID : IDF-DIM-PAMIR-2023-6-001

Summary :

The aim of the project presented by LRMH is to build an IT infrastructure to meet the needs of organizing its data, sharing it within the Laboratory and opening it up to the outside world. It is based on the implementation of a network of shared resources between the Laboratory’s data-producing scientists and the various sources of data produced, notably analytical instrument data. This shared space is also intended to accommodate and organize the output of the many cross-disciplinary projects and programs on which our scientists collaborate.
The documentary architecture envisaged for this infrastructure, integrating FAIR principles and data structuring standards, will make it possible to manage the life cycle of data on a Laboratory scale, and to respond to the problems generated by exponential data volumes. It will also provide an opportunity to exploit the work carried out within the data workshop set up within the CRC (UAR 3224), particularly in terms of metadata sharing and interoperability between the different teams that make up the research unit. Lastly, the rational construction of this ecosystem is part of an approach to digital sobriety that is based on the ecological transition policy of the Ministry of Culture and the CNRS for the fields of digital and heritage sciences.
This project therefore requires the acquisition of appropriate, high-performance hardware, high-capacity storage servers, workstations and components to implement this architecture and manage data for sharing, dissemination and security. The equipment required thus corresponds to the IT architecture imagined for the various preservation methods: backup, storage and long-term archiving.