
The Open Science Cafés are curated by Laurent Romary. They take place via videoconference from 1:30 to 2:00 PM… just in time for a coffee break. Each session starts with a central question, unfolding its various challenges and implications. Then, ample time is given for discussion. Why not take this opportunity to gather in the lab and listen to the “Café” with your colleagues?

Those who were unable to attend a Café can refer to the Open Science blog posts (see below), as some of them address the same topics.

Previous Sessions of the Open Science Cafés

Blog Posts

The five blog posts below were written by Juliette Ollivier as part of the Open Science Working Group’s activities.

 Logo_billet1Author Identity: What’s the Purpose?

 Logo_billet2Publish Freely?

 Logo_billet3Pay to Publish?

 Logo_billet1Why Develop a DMP?

 Logo_billet2Why Document Your Data?